Helps Your Loved Ones
With professional, companion, palliative, special, child & home healthcare support in the North Vancouver & lower mainland since 1980.
A quick message from the owner.
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Services We Offer

Home Care
Seniors who need help in the home.
Stay in Your Home Longer.
Shylo helps people like you stay in your homes longer. We can help you with your everyday needs like meal preparation, laundry, housekeeping, getting dressed and assistance with medications. We are not a US-based franchise; we are a local business.
We live where you live so you can trust us to know the neighbourhood and know the ins and outs of our healthcare system. Our Geriatric Nurse Specialists conduct all new client assessments and provide complementary Registered Nurse support for clients and staff.
Staying in your home is the best way to age comfortably; we even have drivers to get you where you need to go.
Companion Care
Adult Children with Aging Parents.
Trust Shylo to Help Mom!
We know you want to help your mom or dad stay in their home, but you can’t always be there. However, you worry – will they be in good, safe hands?
We at Shylo Home Healthcare offer a free nurse assessment for your parents, and our online care system lets you see when we visited and how we helped – it is a little peace of mind.
Helping your mom or dad stay in their home is the best way for them to stay safe, stay calm and carry-on with the life they love.

Family Care
Families with New Babies.
Shylo Can Help You with the Chores!
We know you want to be a super mom, but you were up half the night with the baby, and there are only so many hours in a day. You’re tired, and you need help around the house.
Caring for a young family is easier when someone has the meals, the laundry and housekeeping covered. The years when your kids are young are short.
We can help you enjoy those precious years more by lending a hand. Who knows you might even get to take a well-deserved mental health break!
Professional Care
Post Operation Care
Allow Shylo to Support Your Recovery!
Hospitals are busy and for your own protection, they want you to recover at home where you can be the most comfortable. To do that, you may need help with your daily activities like meal preparation, laundry, housekeeping, even getting dressed.
Our caregivers can help with pain medication and our drivers can drive you to check-ups with your doctor.

Palliative Care
Families dealing with palliative care
It Is a Family Affair.
When your loved one is struggling with a palliative diagnosis the whole family is affected. We know how hard it can be on a family when a loved one is chronically ill. It depends special time and attention that you may or may not have. It is hard to be a family member and a care giver.
Be kind to yourself as well as your loved one. Get the help you need, so you do not experience burn out.
Special Care
Families Dealing with Special Health Issues.
Dementia, Alzheimers’ and other Special Needs.
We know how hard it can be on a family when a loved one is suffering with mental health issues. Life does not stop.
You still have a full-time job, kids that need you, and a loved one who cannot manage safely on their own.
Let us help you help your loved one.

Rides By Shylo
Assisted Ride Care Service

Let’s Us Help You Get Out of the House
We can help seniors get out of the house.
Wherever they need to go – doctor’s appointment, grocery store, or just out to walk the seawall – we are here to help.
Plus, we don’t just drop you off at home; we make sure they, and any packages or wheelchairs get in the house safely, too.
About Shylo
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Margot Ware

Owner of Shylo Home Care for 25+ years!
I am Margot Ware, RN BScN, GNC (c), the present Director/Owner of Shylo Home Healthcare. I initially joined the Home Healthcare company as a Companion in 1986.
Impressed by both Betty and Linda's home nursing and palliative care of my terminally ill mother and later my aged grandfather, I felt that I literally stumbled into my vocation through their wonderful example.
I started my educational journey towards a Registered Nursing degree while continuing to work as a Home Healthcare Aide at Shylo. Ten years later, when Betty and Linda decided to retire, I took over the company that she'd grown to love.